1.0 - Treat your fellow community members with respect. Harassment, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
1.1 - Do not spam or advertise other communities while using our server.
1.2 - Do not impersonate staff or other community members. If you are caught intentionally doing so you will be permanently banned from the server.
1.3 - Keep NSFW content in the NSFW section of the discord. No illegal content whatsoever should be posted on the server.
1.4 - Continuous trolling or flaming of other community members will be met with a ban from our server.
1.5 - We are an 18+ roleplaying server. Anyone found to be underage will be banned at the discretion of the admin team until proven otherwise. Additionally, characters played on the server must be at least 18 years of age.
1.6 - The community management team reserves the right to remove disruptive or toxic users from Decay’s servers at their discretion.
2.0 - Remain in-character at all times while on the server, both over voice and text. Spamming abusive or trolly sounds, soundboards, or music over VOIP is not permitted and may result in a permanent ban.
2.0.1 - Limited OOC communication can be posted in local side-chat (not in global chat), surrounded by (()) to indicate that it's OOC. This should only be used for things like asking for permissions, indicating that you have to go AFK abruptly, or asking questions related to game mechanics. This includes referencing rules or the existence of staff in-character. None of this "in your mind's eye, press you f muscle" stuff. Type it in local chat.
2.1 - You must act realistically according to the situation at hand and value your life in all situations. No physical object should be more important than your own life. Characters that die while showing No Value For Life may have that death counted as anywhere between one and three executions. Repeated demonstration of lack of value for life may result in further action.
2.1.1 - Non-complying in the face of overwhelming odds or with no possibility of success is considered displaying No Value For Life. If players are armed with roughly equivalent weapons, overwhelming odds would be considered a ratio of 3 to 1 or higher.
2.2 - You may not intentionally avoid RP. This includes logging off in the middle of a scene or refusing to acknowledge the presence of another player by pretending to be AFK. If you plan to be AFK for an extended period, we recommend logging out of the server. We are not responsible for what happens to you while you're AFK. Additionally, players are expected to check their text chat for text-based RP as well as requests for perms or clarification on what a character sees. If you continuously fail to leave your text chat open, you may be pulled into a ticket.
2.3 - Do not center your RP around discrimination with real-world parallels. RPing overt racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other forms of real-world discrimination will not be tolerated. This doesn’t mean you can’t play a character who’s closed minded or biased, but keep the slurs and discriminatory comments out of the RP. That said, aggressively nationalistic Chernarussian xenophobia toward foreigners is absolutely permitted.
2.4 - Consider the experience of others in your RP. You may not repeatedly target the same group with hostility to the point that they are unable to carry out their RP. When raiding you should refrain from destroying more than is required to access the base or easily escape it; this includes items left on the ground to despawn and vehicles being destroyed if they can’t be stolen.
2.5 - The usage of information you have received out of character to motivate your in character actions is considered metagaming and is prohibited while playing.
2.5.1 - All IC communication must be transmitted in-game, either through local VOIP or text chat. Third party IC communication must be double-micced. You must have a radio on your person and your hands must be free (not held up) and unrestrained to use third party comms IC. IC communication over open frequency via global chat is allowed, but may not be abused or used to troll. Radio is not a valid means of initiation.
2.5.2 - IC communication should take precedence over OOC communication while in game. Players or groups found to show a pattern of silently communicating on the server and never internally RPing with those they share comms with will be hit with bad RP.
2.6 - You may not force an action, belief, or status on another player’s character without permission; this is considered Powergaming. If you wish to scar, maim, poison, execute, permanently kill (PK) or otherwise significantly alter a character, you must obtain permission from their player first. This includes feeding players raw meat, rotten food, gasoline, or anything else that could make their character model sick. Players may not intentionally poison food or water sources. Note that while permission is not required to attempt to injure a character in RP, the extent of that injury's long-term impact, such as whether it scars or how long the injury is RPed out, is up to the victim.
2.7 - Abuse of Game Mechanics is strictly prohibited and may result in a permanent ban from our servers.
2.7.1 - Loot cycling, duping, or glitching will result in an immediate ban. If an accidental dupe has occurred, please contact staff immediately to have duped items deleted.
2.7.2 - Players may not respawn until the “You Are Dead” message is visible on the screen. If unconscious, players must wait to wake up, be revived, or die naturally.
2.8 - New Life Rule - After an RP-related death such during a firefight or being otherwise ‘killed’ with witnesses, you may not rejoin the scenario or come within 100 meters of your body without the consent of all surviving parties involved for one hour. You may choose whether or not recall the events that lead up to your death at your own discretion.
2.9 - Characters that have been validly executed three times in the course of RP are permanently killed upon the third execution and can no longer be played. PvP deaths are not normally counted as executions, but repeated PvP deaths against the same group may result in one or more executions being tallied against that character. Players are welcome to PK their character at any time voluntarily.
2.9.1 - Players or their groups may not execute the same character more than once in a two-week period (14 days) unless OOC permission is given or the previously executed character resumes hostilities of their own free will.
2.9.2 - Executions deemed invalid will not be tallied against the character. Whether action will be taken against the executing party is dependent on the situation and up to staff discretion.
3.0 - You may not kill people at random without initiation or gaining rights. Killing on sight without roleplay will result in a ban. This includes running people over in vehicles, setting bear traps, landmines, or other dangerous deployed items outside of your own base, setting explosive traps of any kind other than non-lethal grenades, recklessly causing explosions while others are in range, or putting items in the road that cause vehicles to crash.
3.1 - Kill rights must be obtained through valid means such as initiation or in response to hostile actions (listed below) taken by other players. Having kill rights does not mean you should immediately use said kill rights, and re-initiating or further developing hostile RP is strongly recommended.
3.1.1 - Hostile actions are defined as the following: Initiation, shots taken at players, participation in combat, attacks with weapons, excessive beating with fists, and refusing to vacate private property. Actions not on this list are not considered hostile actions for the purpose of our rules.
3.1.2 - A player who takes a hostile action grants kill rights to other players in the vicinity at the time of said hostile action. These rights persist for one hour after the last hostile action is taken by either the party who took the initial hostile action or by players that gained rights from it.
3.1.3 - Initiation must be made clearly, consisting of a specific demand with specific consequences. Pointing a gun at someone while making a demand is considered a specific consequence. Non-compliance with a clear initiation grants players who initiate kill rights on players who non-comply.
3.1.4 - Demands must be reasonable and attainable and cannot include instructions that would result in powergaming or server rule violations.
3.1.5 - Players must allow ample time for their demands to be met, and should be considerate of technical issues experienced by other players. However, there should be no expectation to put a hostile situation on hold for an extended period of time, and in extreme cases hostile players may use their judgment.
3.1.6 - Players may non-lethally render one another unconscious without initiation in the course of hostile roleplay. Methods allowed include tasers, rubber bullets, and fists. In the case of rubber bullets and fists, players who misjudge and accidentally kill their victim may be held responsible for an invalid kill. Attacks intended to render the victim unconscious are considered hostile actions.
3.1.7 - Players who log in during an on-going combat situation must announce themselves before participating. This can come in the form of a valid initiation, or in the form of a valid tresspass warning if within their own base. Players who log in mid-fight do not gain rights from witnessing combat until they announce themselves. Logging in to participate in combat without clearly announcing oneself in this way is considered ghosting.
3.2 - Players may not log out for at least 30 minutes after breaking line of sight with players who have kill rights on them without the explicit permission of those players. Logging out during this period of time is considered combat logging.
3.3 - Players may not force a situation where the only option another player has is to initiate on them. This is considered baiting. This includes but is not limited to body-blocking, using initiation demands to force someone to perform a hostile action without explicit permission, and excessive abusive behavior.
3.4 - During hostage situations both sides need to be actively participating in the roleplay and not focusing on outside factors or in-game objects.
3.4.1 - Captors must tend to all needs and protect their hostage from outside threats (including players, infected, and wolves). Hostages must be given food, water, and medicine if needed. When released, hostages must have a reasonable ability to survive. You must roleplay with your hostages.
3.4.2 - Execution rights can be gained on a hostage by the criteria listed below during the course of hostile RP. Grounds for valid execution include:
4.0 - Bases should be realistic, aesthetically pleasing, and use a reasonable amount of objects. Walls and other objects should not have more than minimal clipping. Failure to follow building guidelines or other base building rules below may result in NPC raiding or the deletion of unrealistic or excessively placed objects.
4.0.1 - Player hubs and bases belonging to groups of five or more that have been established for at least two weeks may apply for a prefab. Prefabs are approved at staff discretion and are not guaranteed to be added exactly as submitted. Anything that isn’t approved will be discussed with the player. Staff may be requested to help build your prefab design, but are not obligated. If capable, it may be faster to design your own and have it approved. Prefabs should be submitted as a .dze file.
4.0.2 - Deco items may be used to block windows and doors but may not be used unrealistically, such as a shed inside of a house, or a camo net blocking a door. Small items with large hit-boxes may not be used to prevent crawling or climbing as it is deemed unrealistic. Removing deco items does not require a raid evidence ticket.
4.0.3 - Players may not have more than 3 consecutive doors in their base or on outer walls, including airlocks.
4.0.4 - While there is no hard storage limit, excessive hoarding of storage items may result in NPC raids. This is to maintain server performance but also maintain a sense of reality in terms of economy. You will have some warning.
4.1. - When raiding you should refrain from destroying more than is required to access the base or easily escape it; this includes items left on the ground to despawn and vehicles being destroyed if they can’t be stolen.
4.1.1 - When destroying a player built structure (such as a wall or door), if the owner of said structure is not currently present, you must open a raid evidence ticket in this discord. Players may make one raid evidence ticket every three days. Members of a group share a raid ticket cooldown timer. Exceeding this rate will be considered an invalid raid. This ticket should include a screencap of the base in question as well as a screencap of the map with its location. Try to make the door visible in the shot. You will make a d20 roll to determine how many, if any, clues you leave behind. Failure to do so is considered an invalid raid. For more information, please see Raid Evidence System. While the number and sometimes type of clues is determined by a roll, the specifics are ultimately up to you. The sole exception to this rule is when destroying doors that have been barred shut rather than locked (via the Building Fortifications mod). If the only entrance into a room is a barred door, you're not required to make a ticket. Barred doors typically indicate a stash planted by the event team, but even when used by players do not require a raid ticket to break down. Tents and safes are not protected by this system, but camp houses and caravans are.
4.1.2 - If your base has been raided and structures such as walls or doors have been broken, you may open a raid investigation ticket. Staff will then provide you with IC clues from the raid ticket submitted when breaking into your base. Staff will never reveal the trespasser directly.
4.2. - Roadblocks built by players do not count as bases or hubs. Roadblocks are not subject to griefing rules and do not require Raid Evidence tickets. This includes any storage used as a part of the road block. Tearing down a roadblock does not count as a hostile action. If you want to defend your roadblock, you must initiate.
4.3. - Any storage that is clipping into a wall or object or placed unrealistically is subject to deletion without warning. This includes safes and lockers jammed into a wall or placed inside of other objects, such as cardboard boxes and cement barricades.
4.4. - All bases must have a door or entry that is accessible. Removal of metal wire to make a door into a wall during hostile situations or before logging out is prohibited. Barred doors are allowed, but are not protected by the raid evidence system and are used at players' own risk.