decayrp lore

Lore documents accessible to players will be kept here. Not all of this is required reading, but you should read the parts that might be relevant to your character. If you want to keep it short, the overview will give you a general idea of the lore.

These are not meant to be exhaustive. Part of the reason we're in the future is to open up the possibilities. Feel free to be creative.

lore overview
Everything you really need to know, the short version.

the infection
Details about the Xeno-Sapiophagi Bacilla-1 virus and its impact on the world at large.

Short history of Nyheim based on what little is known.

The history of Chernarus before and after the outbreak and the state of what was left in 2033.

npc factions
Groups your character might be familiar with in South Zagoria.

Take the black water and let it take you in return; you’ll see everything so much more clearly.